Yoga to Open and Relax the Shoulders


Shoulder Tension, Relax, Yoga, Yoga Tutorial, Yoga with Blocks, Restorative, Just Breathe

If you never heal,
you end up bleeding on people who didn’t hurt you. “


A lot of our stress streams from our minds, to manifest in our shoulders and upper back. When I see people are walking around with really tight traps and upper back muscles, I wonder if they ever truly relax. These simple asanas do an amazing job to release shoulder tension.

Directions: Grab a couple blocks or books 📚
Place one block horizontal and flat, grab another block, set it perpendicular to the first block on its highest setting. Line up the upper spine with the elevated block. Lay back for 3 mins.
Pose 2: Lay a block horizontal and flat, place another block on top on its highest setting. Line up between your shoulders with the blocks. Lay back on the block, feeling upper back open and release. Lay back for 2 mins. .

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Nauli Kriya

Time for some alien yoga 👽

Nauli Kriya is used in Hatha yoga for detoxifying the abdominal organs through a stimulating massage technique, using the muscles of the stomach.

By isolating these muscles and moving the stomach, we cleanse our internal organs, the spleen, liver, gallbladder, large intestine, small intestine, kidneys, pancreas, and more.

Nauli Kriya is formed of three movements:

Vama Nauli when muscles are isolated to the left, Dakshina Nauli when muscles are contracted to the right, and Madhya Nauli when both muscles are contracted toward the center.

Vama Nauli

Dakshina Nauli

  Madhya Nauli

Nauli Kriya is not easy, sometimes it can take 3 months to a year to be able to practice this move.


How to Practice Nauli Kriya

  1. Stand wide legged, knees bent, hands on thighs. Take a deep breath in, and then force breath out with a hissing sound.
  2. Contract the Uddiyana Bandha. Hold breath and locate your abs. Contract your abs out (Madhya). Try to contract abs to the left, contract to the center, and then to the right. When you are done exhale and release.

If this is your first time, practice each move by itself, until you have it down. Please don’t strain yourself. This is an advanced practiced and can cause issues if done incorrectly. It can take 3 months to a year to get this down. It is recommended practice only 8x per 24 hours.

Good luck and if you have any questions, message me!

For more guidance, check out the definition of Nauli Kriya on Yoga Journal!



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The Yamas – Ahimsa

ahimsa peace inner peace presence yoga stretch yoga pose asana posture

Yoga is more than simply practicing the postures (called Asanas).

A true yogi follows the “8 Limbs of Yoga”, a practical application of philosophy, ethics, and energy work to obtain enlightenment.

One of the eight limbs is called the Yamas, which is a set of 5 ethical and moral philosophies regarding life.

Ahimsa is the yama for physical, mental, and emotional nonviolence.

This means avoiding gossip or intentionally hurting others with our words or actions.
Harmful thoughts, judgements, and criticisms of others, are damaging- even with good intentions. Ahimsa encourages the practice of compassion, understanding and letting go of the future outcomes. I surrender my frustrations, and allow Ahimsa to influence my daily practice, my flow in the world becomes one of peace. I am not perfect but I am making progress, and I find it easy to let things go without anger.
Ahimsa inspired me to practice Sat Ta Na Ma, a Buddhist mantra for compassion. This is one of my favorite mantras, and I chant it into many of my practices. One can shift the vibration of an entire space with Sa Ta Na Ma. Try it during your next meditation.




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Hakini Mudra

Mudras HakiniMudra Chakra Healing Meditation Conscious Hacking Rewiring Your Mind Positivity
Find your happy place 😌🙏🏼💕

Hakini Mudra

The Hakini Mudra encourages healing and harmony in the body, aligning and opening chakras, improving our memory.

To perform the Hakini Mudra:
Take a deep breath in pressing tongue to the roof of mouth.
Exhale relaxing your tongue.
Focus gaze on third eye.
Bring both hands to your center.
Bring palms together and press each finger together.
Continue breathing.
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Why do we OM? An Introduction to Aum (Om)

bird of paradise, birdofparadise, yogateacher, yoga teacher, guru, flexible
is a 3 letter word in Sanskirt representing the omnipresent Cosmic vibration. When we AUM, we are resonating with this omnipresent vibration. When we make this connection, we allow our bodies to release anything that holds us down, and our vibrations are cleansed.
Each letter has a significant meaning:
A represents the creation force, all matter.
U is the subtle energy of the Universe of lightness, balance and goodness.
M is symbolic of Ananda, the state being at One in bliss with all that is.
Remembering these meanings while we AUM gets yogis in tune with the Universe cosmic vibration.
Do you AUM?
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Introduction to Chakras and a Healing Chakra Meditation

Heal, Healing, Spiritual, 4d, Chakras, Workshop, Free Meditation, Guided Meditation
What are Chakras / Chakra? How do I heal my chakras?
Our body has 7 centers of energy along our spine. These are called the Chakras. Our life energy flows up and down our spine through these Chakras. Chakra literally means “Wheel”- imagine life energy as water flowing through water mill. If we have a blocked Chakra, the energy cannot flow and we experience disease, frustration and stress. Clear away this stagnant energy by practicing yoga, mudra and mantra to vibrate and open up these centers of energy along your spine. Chakra Healing is one of my favorite therapies,
When I dance, when I move my hips, I imagine an orange hoop of light circling around me. Simple visualizations like this can heal and activate our chakra centers. We already know which Chakras are blocked after we research them, and if we are willing to try- we can heal them.
Muladhara aka ROOT Chakra – Located at the base of the tale bone.
Color is Red.
Feelings of Safety, Trust.
The Root chakra is associated with Earth element.
Svadhistana aka SACRAL Chakra – Located under the belly button region.
Color is Orange.
Feelings of Sexuality, Creativity, and Connection to Others.
The Sacral Chakra is connected to the Water Element.
Manipura aka SOLARPLEXUS Chakra – Located at your stomach.
Color is Yellow.
Feelings of Confidence, Self Efficacy
The Solar Plexus Chakra is associated with the Fire Element.
Anahata aka HEART Chakra – Located at your heart ❤️.
Color is GREEN.
Feelings of Love, Self Love
The Heart Chakra is associated with the Air Element.
Vishudda aka#THROAT Chakra – Located at the base of your throat.
Color is LIGHT BLUE.
Feelings of Communication, Self Expression
Ajna aka THIRDEYE 👁 Chakra – Located center of your forehead.
Color is PURPLE.
Feelings of Psychic Ability, Intuition
Crown Chakra Connection to Source. Divine Intelligence. Cord of Light.
Color is White, Or Deep Blue
Feelings of Oneness. Serenity. Creativity. Inspiration.


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6 Wonderful Stretches to Relieve Shoulder Tension

Eagle Arms, Asana, Yoga Pose, Shoulder Stretch, Guide For Shoulders, How To Relax Shoulders, Shoulder Tension, Relaxation, Yogi
Hello beautiful star seeds!
If you’re like me, we spend a lot of our time working at a desk, staring into a computer screen, shoulders tense, typing clicking typing…
Our bodies adjust to the discomfort. Our shoulders get tense. We get tense.
Let’s care of ourselves and unwind our bodies from work torture. Today I’m going to show you 6 shoulder stretches to relieve upper back and shoulder tension.
One of my favorite ways to relax is through stretching my shoulders to release shoulder tension. Releasing shoulder tension is simply a pleasure with yoga.
These are my top 6 stretches for tight shoulders that you can do anywhere, anytime.
As always, it’s best to warm up first with a few round of Sun A and B, and chaturanga.
1) Extended Puppy Pose
Uttana Shishosana
Puppy Pose, Yoga Pose, Shoulder Stretch, Guide For Shoulders, How To Relax Shoulders, Shoulder Tension, Relaxation, Yogi
A cross between childs pose and down dog. It feels good across the collar bone and upper back.


  • Good for calming mind. 
  • Improves posture.
  • Spine lengthener, shoulder opener.
Practice: Come into table top, with your knees hips distance. Extend arms forward, palms shoulder width apart, forehead rests on ground or block. Take deep breaths. Hang out for 30 seconds – 1 min.
2) Dolphin Pose
 Ardha Pincha Mayurasana
 Dolphin Pose, Dolphin, Yoga Pose, Shoulder Stretch, Guide For Shoulders, How To Relax Shoulders, Shoulder Tension, Relaxation, Yogi
Great upper body stabilizer. Opens back of shoulders, widens collar bones. Really good pose if you’re learning inversions.


  • Relieves digestive and menstrual issues
  • Calms the mind and relieves stress
  • Strengthens arms and shoulders while broadening upper back and lengthening the spine

Practice: Start in Down Dog. Bend arms and come onto forearms. Release neck in a straight line with your back. Press through elbows. Hold 45 secs – couple mins.

3) Half Frog Pose
Ardha Bhekasana 
Ardha Bhekasana, Half Frog, Yoga Pose, Shoulder Stretch, Guide For Shoulders, How To Relax Shoulders, Shoulder Tension, Relaxation, Yogi
Relaxing shoulder opener. Also massages stomach and digestive organs. Easy stretch to do when you wake up or winding down before you go to bed. Did I mention this pose is super relaxing?


  • Stretches entire front body, arms chest stomach groin psoas thighs and calves
  • Improves posture
  • Stimulates stomach organs 
Practice: Lay down on your stomach. Knees apart. Come up in sphinx pose. Bend one leg, and reach back with matching hand. Grab the ankle or toes and look forward. Hold 30 secs – 1 min. Switch legs. Do both at same time if possible.
4) Wheel Pose (or modify with Bridge Pose)
 Wheel Pose, Yoga Pose, Shoulder Stretch, Guide For Shoulders, How To Relax Shoulders, Shoulder Tension, Relaxation, Yogi
A wonderful way to open your heart is with the Wheel (for modification please do Bridge Pose). When I learned how to dropback into Wheel, I started doing it everywhere. It feels so good, my heart gets a rush and a tingle, and my arms and chest feel really good and open.


  • Stretches chest and lungs.
  • Strengthens our arms, wrists, legs, butts, and abs.
  • Stimulates Thyroid Gland (good for those of us with thyroid differences!)
  • Increases energy and fights depression

Practice: Start in bridge pose. Press pelvis up. Flip palms face down and plant them next to your shoulders. Press up. Be mindful that feet face forwards and do not turn out (turn out will compress your lower spine). Take 6-8 slow deep breaths. Slowly lower down, mindful of head, roll body in a ball. Roll for recovery.

5) Partner Stretch
 Partner Stretch, Acro Yoga Partner Stretch, Acro Yoga Partner Stretch, Acro Yoga


  • Stretches chest and shoulders
  • Person to Person contact is healing 
  • Powerful heart opener and mood booster.

Practice: Sit back to back with a friend. Cactus arms out. Interlock forearms and palms. Take a deep breath. On the exhale, partner b leans backward as partner a leans forward, stretching partner b. Take 3 breaths. Return to upright and repeat to stretch partner a. 

6) Eagle Arms Pose
 Eagle Arms, Asana, Yoga Pose, Shoulder Stretch, Guide For Shoulders, How To Relax Shoulders, Shoulder Tension, Relaxation, Yogi

This is probably my favorite stretch for shoulder/back pain caused by computer posture. Half eagle, just the arms. It opens you up!


  • Powerful shoulder opener 
  • Stretches between shoulder blades
  • Relieves tension and pain 

Practice: Standing or sitting, stretch and reach arms up on inhale. Exhale arms extended in front of you. Bend elbows. Lift and wrap right forearm over left. Press palms together. Chin should be straight. Lift elbows while pressing palms. Feel the relief!

I sincerely hope these stretches open up your shoulders! Please incorporate these wonderful asanas into your daily practice. In time you’ll feel more relaxed and loose in your shoulders, and hopefully your emotionally state as well! 

Lots of love and light to you, space explorers!


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3 Moves to Instantly Relieve Body Tension

Today I’m going to teach you 3 special moves to relieve body tension using Trigger Points. All you need is a blue ball! The one I’m using is a racquetball and it’s excellent- you could also use trigger point therapy balls.

I was used to tight traps and dorsal muscles- it felt normal for my shoulders to be tense by my ears. When I started practicing yoga, I became aware of the tension in my neck and shoulders. One day in class, @tinyyogini brought out some balls for us to play with and showed us these techniques. The moment I felt the ball push into my shoulder, I almost wanted to cry for happiness because it felt so good on my tight shoulders. After a few weeks, I noticed a huge difference in my posture from working on these trigger points. Releasing this tension reduced the severity of the anxiety attacks and made them more controllable. I sincerely hope this helps you 🙏

This is the third of five videos to raise funding for my Yoga Teacher Training. Click Here For Link! ♡ If you found this helpful, consider donating to my Go Fund Me! Click Here For Link! ~ Your support will support me on my journey to bring affordable & free yoga to people of all backgrounds, online and in person. Thank you!

Today I'm going to teach you 3 special moves to relieve body tension caused by Anxiety using Trigger Points. All you need is a blue ball! The one I'm using is a racquetball and it's excellent- you could also use trigger point therapy balls. Anxiety is an unwelcome, overreaction of survival instincts- If we heal the physical tension from an attack, we also reduce the anxiety we experience. For years I found no reprieve from the physical tension caused by chronic anxiety attacks. My body got so used to tight traps and dorsal muscles- it felt normal for my shoulders to be tense by my ears. When I started practicing yoga, I became aware of the tension in my neck and shoulders from these chronic attacks. One day in class, @tinyyogini brought out some balls for us to play with and showed us these techniques. The moment I felt the ball push into my shoulder, I almost wanted to cry for happiness because it felt so good on my tight shoulders. After a few weeks, I noticed a huge difference in my posture from working on these trigger points. Releasing this tension reduced the severity of the anxiety attacks and made them more controllable. I sincerely hope this helps you 🙏 This is the third of five videos to raise funding for my Yoga Teacher Training. The Goal is 3K by VDay ♡ If you found this helpful, consider donating to my Go Fund Me! The link is in the profile~ Your support will support me on my journey to bring affordable & free yoga to people of all backgrounds, online and in person. Thank you!

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Wake Up & Flow With Me – Yoga for Beginners

I always hear people say they don’t have time for yoga- and that just isn’t true! We always have time to stretch, to breathe, to relax- sometimes life requires us to be mindful of how we use our time 😉 On days when I know I’ll be busy, I start with a slow in-bed wakeup flow, like this one I’ve created for you. An easy morning routine to loosen up my joints, create a healthy flow of oxygen, and center my mind for the day. This vid is sped up 5x- the routine itself takes about 10 minutes. Make sure you take deep breaths in each pose, pulling in all of the healing air around you into your lungs 🙂 And I swear by this: practicing yoga creates more time in the day. If you dedicate 10-15 mins to yoga, you’ll find you have an extra hour or two in your day!

This is the first of five videos that I am creating to raise funding for my Yoga Teacher Training.Click Here For Link! ♡ I am SO excited to start training, to deepen my practice and share more useful videos with you. If you found this helpful, consider donating to my Go Fund Me! Click Here For Link! ~ So grateful to you!

I always hear people say they don’t have time for yoga- and that just isn’t true! We always have time to stretch, to breathe, to relax- sometimes life requires us to be mindful of how we use our time 😉 On days when I know I’ll be busy, I start with a slow in-bed wakeup flow, like this one I've created for you. An easy morning routine to loosen up my joints, create a healthy flow of oxygen, and center my mind for the day. This vid is sped up 5x- the routine itself takes about 10 minutes. Make sure you take deep breaths in each pose, pulling in all of the healing air around you into your lungs 🙂 And I swear by this: practicing yoga creates more time in the day. If you dedicate 10-15 mins to yoga, you’ll find you have an extra hour or two in your day! This is the first of five videos that I am creating to raise funding for my Yoga Teacher Training. The Goal is 3K by VDay ♡ I am SO excited to start training, to deepen my practice and share more useful videos with you. If you found this helpful, consider donating to my Go Fund Me! The link is in the comments~ So grateful to you!

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Happy Halloween!

I love Halloween. This time of the year always brings with it the feelings of mystery, the occult, and magic. I love dressing in costume, assuming an alternate identity, and using my imagination. Our imaginations are powerful. When I create something, I am reminded that everything we see today is here because someone imagined it was possible. Our imaginations craft our reality. And adorable Halloween costumes!

Chi Chobits Halloween Costume

This year, I thought it would be fun to dress up as Chi, from the manga Chobits. Chi is a persecom, a humanoid robot designed to assist people in everyday tasks. In the manga, Chi tries to figure out where she came from and what she is, as she has recurring dreams about an empty world with no people, where everyone stays inside entertained by computers.

Sounds about right?

Chi Chobit Cosplay

The costume was fun to make, and a simple DIY.

DIY Chobits Chi Ears Tutorial

To create Chi’s ears, I used white and pink foam sheets from Michael’s and hair clips from Sally’s. I cut out the pieces like in the image above, and glued them together with hot glue. Next, I cut out circles for the ears and a rectangle piece for the hair clip. I glued on the circles, and the hair clip on the rectangular foam piece onto the ears. Then I put on a blonde wig, and Viola!

Are you dressing up for Halloween? I’d love to see your creative costumes!

This week I’ll be posting more Halloween FUN on my Instagram (@TheCyberWitch), so check back here for updates with new costume ideas!

Check out my adorable “Wake Up Flow” by Chi:

"A person's heart changes a little bit everyday… because that is their nature. It can be different. It doesn't always have to be the same.” ♡ A City With No People Wake up with me! Let’s F L O W~ Chobits style! 🙂 This mini flow was adapted from one of my favorite scenes in Chobits, where Chi teaches a human how to wake up looking “genki”. “Genki” is Japanese for “energetic"- and #ForwardFolds + #TrianglePose will definitely get your blood flowing in the morning. Does anyone else love to watch anime? Are you excited for Halloween? What are you going to be this year? I had so much fun making this costume! I have a few more costumes up my sleeve this week, so check back later this week to see more character inspired yoga 😉 Check out my blog to see more pictures, and a quick DIY for these ears! Linked in Bio!

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